Thursday, October 22, 2009

Veggie Nugget #30

"Children confront us with our paradoxes and dishonesty, and we are exposed. You need to find an answer for every why — Why do we do this? Why don’t we do that? — and often there isn’t a good one. So you say, simply, because. Or you tell a story that you know isn’t true. And whether or not your face reddens, you blush. The shame of parenthood — which is a good shame — is that we want our children to be more whole than we are, to have satisfactory answers. My children not only inspired me to reconsider what kind of eating animal I would be, but also shamed me into reconsideration."

-Jonathan Safran Foer, from this piece that ran in the New York Times Magazine, adapted from Foer's upcoming book Eating Animals.

Really looking forward to reading this book. This will be the last nugget from it for a while, since the book doesn't come out till some time in November.

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