I've mentioned my dad's gardens a few times in the blog. I've referred to them as small fields. So now here's the proof. When we were back in North Dakota this summer (one of the 10 times, I think?) I took some photos of the gardens.
The first one here is right next to my parents' house. It's a big L shaped garden. In it grows asparagus, tomatoes, peas, strawberries, raspberries, green onions, cilantro, carrots, dill, cabbage, cauliflower and a lot of other stuff.

Then you walk across the highway...

... to his second garden, where he grows squash, corn, cantaloupe, cucumbers, pumpkins, more peas and other stuff.

So those are my dad's gardens. The photos were taken in early July, so the gardens aren't nearly as lush as they get later in the year.
We reap the benefits of these gardens every year. I was in ND just a couple weeks ago and I got a whole box of tomatoes, a whole box of apples, a plastic grocery bag full of carrots, two buttercup squash (which I'm eating as I type), some onions, four cantaloupe, some peppers and a huge pumpkin that's all wrinkled. We call it Grandpa Pumpkin at my dad's request.

Anna loves Grandpa's garden and she loves eating things from the garden, especially when she picks them herself (with help from Mommy in the photo below).

Anna and cousin Joe enjoying the fruits of Grandpa's hard labor (literally):

The person who can first identify the Ghostbusters action figure in one of the photos above wins a mystery prize*.
So, it was my dad's birthday a few days ago. Happy birthday Dad!
*Mystery prize not actually a prize. Must be four years of age or younger to win prize. Contest rules available upon request. Self-addressed envelope with postage paid must be sent to the address below in order to receive rules. Ghostbuster action figure is not a character that actually appeared in any of the movies, but I think it was maybe in the cartoon once ... or not. Must be resident of Uzbekistan to win.
Oh what a FANTASTIC garden. Soooo jealous!
I'm at a loss over the Ghostbuster character - but I can see him - do I get a prize for that?
Darn, I've lost my Uzbekistanian proof-of-residence papers, so I'll let someone else win this one :)
Love the gardens, your Dad is fantastic! I would love access to such a huge variety of homegrown veggies every year.
Awesome gardens. Very jealous!
Sorry Jeni, you don't meet the qualifications to win the prize (unless I've seriously overestimated your age).
And I'll pass all of your awe on to my dad.
Amazing gardens! I can't begin to imagine all the work that goes into them.
the ghostbuster figure is an purple eyeball with arms. it was on the tv show once.
so very silly, one of the many reasons I love you and for your Dad's (and mom's)fresh abundunt veggies
I'm SUPER jealous!
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